Champions of distant planets compete in teams to gain the favor of their star.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Sodalis is almost here! Updated timeline
about 3 years ago
– Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 08:50:13 AM
Hi all!
First and foremost, thank you so much for your support in Sodalis. Being a team of one, this has been a dynamic experience to create, and your support means the world to me.
Sodalis is Being Manufactured!
I have asked LongPack to give me as accurate of a timeline as possible, and this was their response:
"Mass production sample ready to ship date: 11/26
Once you receive our final sample and get the approval back, we will need about 12 days for the final assembly"
With this, Sodalis should be arriving on my doorstep around mid-December! If you have scheduled a local pickup, I am going to reach out to local game stores to organize a possible meet-and-play event shortly before Christmastime. I will get packaging and mailing slips prepared so I can start shipping as soon as the copies come in.
If you are in the US, I should be able to get your copy (or copies) to you this December! Depending on the mail system, it may come slightly after Christmas.
If your copy of Sodalis is intended to be a Christmas gift and time is of the essence, let me know if you want to change your shipping address to the recipient's address. I am more than happy to write a note on your behalf to make it feel as special as you want it to!
Laser Cut Boards are Being Made
A local small business will be making all of the laser-cut boards (the same that made the originals).
Here's my dog Nandi and I delivering the wood together!
...20lbs on your back is a lot! I had no idea...
I am ordering stickers and shirts as well through Redbubble, and Punch-out standees are being ordered through The Game Crafter. Custom game mats are coming through Inked! playmats.
I will let you know when Sodalis is in its way overseas! Please let me know if there's anything I can help with. Until then, thank you as always and see many of you soon!
Sodalis is here!
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 05:04:30 PM
Sodalis is here!
I can't describe how fantastic it felt to receive Sodalis from my manufacturer. Here is a video of me (attempting to) unbox it, with emphasis on the newest champion!
There are a few minor fixes needed, which I have submitted to LongPack, but it looks incredible! What do you think?
I am going to charge all cards on Backerkit this week and begin the full print run! Please make sure you update your shipping address and update any billing information.
If you are having any trouble updating things, please let me know! I can reset and edit your surveys as needed. If you haven't received a survey or need help finding it, reach out to me at [email protected] or through Kickstarter.
I will start ordering add-ons, please double-check if all sizing is correct, and if you would like the laser-cut board.
Thank you so much for making this game a reality, I'm honored by your support and enthusiasm.
New Spaces, New Art, Manufacturing Update
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Aug 03, 2021 at 10:28:07 AM
Good afternoon all!
Sodalis has been busy in development- final art files have been submitted and revised. Punchout tokens are used for many components in the game, one of which are the Impassable Spaces. Punchout sheets are printed on both sides, which gives the opportunity for extra design space.
Meet the backs of the Impassable Space tiles! Tiles will have one of these three Tribute icons on the back. Players wanting to shake up their strategies will randomly place tiles, then take turns flipping over a few of these tiles. These will give similar advantages to their Tribute counter parts and can create new escape routes and control points.
The Dancer's art is nearly finished, we are working on the ultimate ability right now! Here is the latest card, Zornhau:
The miniatures designed are slightly too fine in some areas for the manufacturing tools of LongPack. Consequently, they are being retouched:
These should be finished early this week, where manufacturing will begin!
Lastly, the trays have been designed to fit all of the components, here is a render of the tray inserts:
Let me know your thoughts!
So excited to bring Sodalis home to you all- please feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions or feedback!
Backerkit Surveys are sent!
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 11:02:20 PM
Good morning, all!
Some of you were part of a "smoke test" on Backerkit, and were sent surveys in advance. Today, all backers have been sent a survey!
The most important part about this survey is collecting shipping addresses. Please make sure to supply your address; If you are unable to use Backerkit, please reach out to me! If you would like to pick up Sodalis locally, please change your shipping country to "Local Pickup". Unfortunately, there is no way you can receive credit for your shipping payment unless you select that without contacting support. Regardless, there is an additional question on the backer surveys to ask for local pickup (This won't change the status of your credit, unfortunately).
I have also developed some custom gaming mats for Sodalis using a collage of my work and the work of Justin Estcourt. Here is the design:
Dancer Update:
The Dancer's miniature is nearing completion, and 3 of the 7 pieces of art are complete! Here is a watermarked version of "Harai":
So excited to share this with you! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need anything from me.
Project Timeline and The Dancer
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Jun 07, 2021 at 03:31:58 PM
Good morning!
Thank you so much for making Sodalis happen. I am beginning the process of sending assets to my manufacturer so I can get a rough draft of the game in a timely manner. My timeline currently looks like this:
June 15th - Submit assets to Manufacturer
June 21st - Pay all tooling costs and begin production of first draft
August 1st - Receive first draft, make any changes, and begin production of second Draft.
August 15th - Receive final art pieces.
October 1st - Receive final draft, make final changes if necessary, begin finalized production.
There are a significant number of cards that were declined/not charged. Kickstarter will be contacting each of you if there were any issues! To give these backers a chance to still have Sodalis, I will be sending out the pledge manager through Backerkit on June 17th- the deadline that Kickstarter gives for any payment issues to be resolved.
Laser-cut board upgrade!
If you pledged for a laser-cut board, I will be automatically giving you a full set of wooden Action tokens and Tribute! No extra payment required!
For those who want the tokens and not the board, you will be able to purchase just the tokens on Backerkit!
Stretch Goals
As many of you know, we were a hair's breadth away from our first stretch goal: Opaque-backed tarot sleeves. One of the components of Sodalis was a luxury magnetic box. Though this would be amazing to have, I think the gameplay experience could make better use of those costs. I'm modifying the game box to open up access to two things that would really improve gameplay: Card Sleeves and The Dancer.
So without further ado, I would like to introduce the first official piece of art for the 10th Champion: The Dancer.
As always, if you want to play The Dancer with the community and myself, join the discord!
I will see you all soon! Please reach out with any questions!